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Teeth Whitening in Las Vegas, NV

Ready to get started?

What Is Teeth Whitening?

In a world where looks are very important, we understand why the appearance of your smile is a big cosmetic concern. Thankfully, All Smiles Dental in Las Vegas, NV can help you address this concern with professional-strength teeth whitening. Although there are hundreds of grocery store whitening alternatives, we supply a product that has shown to be superior to any over-the-counter treatments currently available. Our whitening treatments will whiten your teeth by quite a few shades, helping you keep your beautiful results for much longer than alternative choices. We utilize professional-strength whitening solutions that really work, reaching beneath the surface of the teeth to address deep stains, instead of consumer-level solutions that only scrape the surface (quite literally) and merely produce a brighter shade of yellow at best.



Professional teeth whitening in Las Vegas, NV at Elegant Smiles offers multiple effective benefits to help you achieve a brighter, whiter smile, including:

  • Whitening treatments can be customized
  • Works for even severely stained teeth
  • Gets teeth up to eight shades whiter
  • Treatments are quick and easy
  • Results are fast and long-lasting
  • Procedure can be repeated to maintain results
  • Includes at-home treatments

Who is a candidate for teeth whitening?

A quick dental assessment is the best way to determine your candidacy for teeth whitening. While the whitening process is safe and effective for most people, patients should be free of gum disease, decay, and other dental conditions before undergoing this process. Inform our team members at Elegant Smiles if you are pregnant, as this may also affect your candidacy. We are happy to examine your smile during a consultation and create a custom treatment plan that meets your desired results.


How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

If your smile has been white your whole life and only recently is starting to yellow, an over-the-counter whitening kit could create temporary results. If your teeth have darker stains, you might be a good candidate for professional-grade teeth whitening at All Smiles Dental. Our practice offers two main professional whitening products: KöR® Whitening and Opalescence™ Boost™ Whitening. Both product options were chosen by our practice specifically because they offer the least amount of post-op sensitivity and consistently successful results. Both options also work exceptionally well because they offer an at-home component in conjunction with the in-office whitening session. The increased whitening time has proven to show much brighter results. Since our practice provides a couple of treatment options for successful and high-quality teeth whitening, the process chosen for you will be decided upon after a consultation where your aesthetic goals and lifestyle are discussed and taken into consideration. In the majority of circumstances, your professional teeth whitening sessions will be completed in about an hour and a half through the use of a professional-strength whitening gel.

After treatment, you may experience some sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages, but this should subside within a couple of days. Just like all dental procedures, regular dental examinations with our dentists are highly recommended and critical to preserving results. Once the whitening treatment is completed, we typically recommend coming back for touch-ups a few times a year, in addition to twice-yearly cleanings that will help your dental well-being. You will also receive detailed instructions regarding what drinks should and should not be consumed in the immediate future, like red wine and coffee. If you want home touch-ups, we also can offer take-home customized trays that are compatible with our whitening solutions for upkeep.