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Dental Exam and Cleaning in Las Vegas, NV

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Why Are Dental Exams and Cleanings Important?

Having regular oral assessments allows you to take a proactive stand to sustain the health of your smile. A thorough dental exam at Elegant Smiles diagnoses tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer, and various other problems that might be influencing your oral and general health. Usually carried out at biannual teeth cleaning appointments, dental exams enable our doctors to examine the teeth, gums, bite position, jawbone, and further oral checkpoints and might ensure immediate detection and treatment of oral conditions. Even if you are brushing and flossing your teeth perfectly at home, it can still be beneficial to get a professional dental cleaning at Elegant Smiles twice a year. Using state-of-the-art tools, a biannual dental cleaning can remove built-up plaque and tartar while polishing the enamel for a brighter, healthier smile. To maintain the wellness and beauty of your mouth, schedule a dental exam and cleaning at our Las Vegas, NV practice soon.

What to Expect During Your Visit

Patients young and old can benefit from dental exams and cleanings at least twice a year. At our Las Vegas, NV office, a dental consultation begins with a discussion about your health. A team member also may ask about any oral problems or cosmetic smile goals you have to discover more about your total oral wellness. During particular yearly exams, a series of advanced x-rays may be done to provide enhanced insight into the wellness of your teeth and jawbone. Our dentists then will conduct a screening for oral cancer, check the balance of your bite and temporomandibular joints, and assess your teeth for irregularities and the comfort of any dental appliances. A periodontal evaluation might also be carried out to find potential areas of gum disease.

A professional cleaning starts by removing the plaque and tartar that have built up in your mouth, which can be difficult to treat on your own, no matter how often you brush and floss. Special instruments are used to remove tartar without harming the tooth. First, an ultrasonic device addresses bigger chunks of tartar with high-speed vibrations and a lubricating mist. Then, handheld instruments, like a curette or scaler, will be used to remove smaller pieces. Each tooth needs to be individually scaled to get all the tartar. Once the teeth have been cleaned, the enamel will be polished to remove stains and strengthen the teeth. If needed or requested, a fluoride treatment can be performed after the cleaning. After your exam and cleaning, your technician can help you develop a good home oral care routine by demonstrating techniques or recommending specific products that may help you with your specific concerns.