Opening Hours

Monday : 7AM – 5PM

Tuesday : 7AM – 5PM

Wednesday : 8AM – 6PM

Thursday : 7AM – 3PM

Friday : Closed

Saturday : Closed

Sunday : Closed


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Dental cavities are created when bacteria attack your enamel. In the past, cavities were treated with an amalgam material, which is a mixture of different metals, like mercury or silver. Now we know that amalgam fillings do not adhere very well with the teeth and the mercury may be hazardous to your health. At All Smiles Dental in Las Vegas, NV, our dentists use tooth-colored fillings made with a composite resin to fill cavities and protect the tooth. They also can take out metal fillings and replace them with composite resin fillings for a safer and better-looking treatment for cavities.



Composite resin tooth-colored fillings usually fill in the decayed area once it’s been cleaned out by one of our dental experts. Composite resin is a versatile material that may be used to treat other problems with your teeth, such as chips or wear on the enamel by teeth grinding (bruxism). Since the composite resin is colored to match your natural teeth, fillings may be placed on both the front and back teeth for a great appearance. Getting a filling with composite resin at All Smiles Dental is typically an easy treatment. The treatment area will be numbed to help you feel more comfortable. Stronger forms of sedation may be discussed for any fears or anxieties to help keep you relaxed during the procedure. After you’re prepared, the affected enamel can be treated using a special drill that we will select based on where the cavity is located and the amount of decay. Once the enamel is treated and the area is disinfected, the area will be replaced with the composite resin and hardened. You should be able to return to your day after your composite filling is done, but you might notice a sensitivity to cold and hot foods and beverages for a few days. You can use over-the-counter pain medication to treat any discomfort; however, you should not have any major problems. If after a few days the filling feels high or uneven, please contact our office. Your tooth-colored filling should be cleaned by following a normal home oral care routine with daily brushing and flossing. At your annual exam, our dentist will check your filling to decide if it should be repaired or replaced at any point.