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Monday : 7AM – 5PM

Tuesday : 7AM – 5PM

Wednesday : 8AM – 6PM

Thursday : 7AM – 3PM

Friday : Closed

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Removable or fixed dentures are a great option for restoring missing teeth. These prosthetic pieces make it more possible to speak and eat with confidence, and in addition, restore the look of your teeth following tooth loss. Our talented dental experts design full and partial removable and implant-held dentures for people in Las Vegas, NV. Single-arch dentures take the place of each of the teeth in the upper arch, bottom arch, or both, whereas partial dentures are utilized when a number of the natural teeth still remain intact in the mouth. Adapting to each patient’s unique requirements is essential to us so our dental experts provide multiple individualized denture options for tooth restoration:

  • Detachable bridge-style dentures fill in empty holes left by one or multiple missing teeth. They are held in place by inconspicuously latching to nearby teeth.
  • Detachable complete dentures restore a whole upper or lower arch and are retained by the curve of the jawbone or a dental adhesive.
  • Implant-supported dentures fill in for multiple or a whole arch of teeth. These restorations attach to dental posts in the jaw for higher dependability.
  • Immediate complete dentures are applied as soon as the real teeth are removed. The fit of these appliances can be customized as the gum tissues recover.
  • Conventional full dentures are provided if teeth are already missing and the oral cavity is totally recovered.

At All Smiles Dental, we can help you discover whether detachable or implant-held dentures are appropriate for your requirements and have them made custom to produce an appealing look and comfortable fit. Set up your restoration evaluation with our dentists to find out more.


Ideal candidates for receiving dentures are individuals who are missing multiple teeth or need to have teeth removed. Dentures work to restore your dental function, enable you to eat healthful foods, and help keep your facial structure. These appliances work most effectively if the gum tissues are healthy and there is a good amount of bone for support. Our team will begin the denture process by making digital or physical impressions of your upper and lower arches. These impressions will then be relayed to our partnering dental lab that will create your customized dentures. Complete and partial dentures comprise lightweight resin, which might be reinforced by a titanium internal frame. Made of high-grade materials, dentures are intended to mimic the appearance of real teeth and the gumline. As soon as your restorations are finished and sent to Elegant Smiles, we will have you return for a fitting session. Our team will alter your appliances so they fit securely or attach them to already placed dental implants.

Returning to your normal activities, like chewing and talking easily, may require up to a month, but they will be less difficult after a few weeks. If your dentures are shifting around, reach out to All Smiles Dental so our team can schedule a modification checkup. You will need to look after your dentures by brushing them using a gentle brush after every meal and soaking them in water at night to prevent them from becoming too dry.