Opening Hours

Monday : 7AM – 5PM

Tuesday : 7AM – 5PM

Wednesday : 8AM – 6PM

Thursday : 7AM – 3PM

Friday : Closed

Saturday : Closed

Sunday : Closed


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Classified between a tooth-colored or composite filling and a crown, inlays and onlays can treat a decayed or damaged tooth. Used on molars and premolars, an inlay covers the concave middle of a tooth and an onlay covers the tooth’s upper, rounded edges. Like fillings and crowns, onlays and inlays can be created in a variety of materials — metal, porcelain, and composite resin. Our dental experts can help Las Vegas, NV patients better understand composite fillings, crowns, inlays, and onlays so they can make the right decision about treating their teeth at All Smiles Dental.


An onlay or inlay is a good choice when you have a damaged tooth or a large cavity that’s too big to get filled but does not require the entire coverage of a crown. During your examination, our doctors can examine your x-rays to determine the ideal method for your needs. If an onlay or inlay is chosen, our team will explain the available materials that will best suit your needs. After applying local anesthesia to numb the treatment area, our doctors will start by cleaning out regions of decay. Other techniques of sedation may be used in case you experience stress or a strong gag reflex. Once the tooth is cleaned and prepared, impressions will be made. If you’re getting a restoration made in a lab, a temporary filling will be set until it is prepared. Once your inlay or onlay is ready, our dental experts will carefully set and bond it to your tooth. Our dentist may polish the edges or adjust the fit so your tooth is properly covered and feels comfortable.

If only local anesthesia was used, you should be able to leave following the procedure and return to your normal activities. You may feel mild discomfort, swelling, or sensitivity for several days once your onlay or inlay is placed. Please call All Smiles Dental if you have any concerns following your treatment. Your inlay or onlay should be taken care of just like your own teeth using daily brushing and flossing.